Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Growing Produce at Home

 Growing your own produce is as simple as planting some seeds in soil. My favorite type of planter is the one above with multiple openings to grow different herbs in. It looks a little strange at first, but once the plants grow out, it actually looks very pretty. I feel the only plants worth growing at home in an apartment are herbs, because you only need a little at a time and the supermarkets don't always stock the ones you want.

 A beautifully wrapped pot with seeds can make a wonderful gift to a friend. To make planting even easier, most packaging nowadays just require you to peel off a tab or cut off a section to start the growing process. Like these mushroom growing boxes that are good for 2 full crops.

The only time its worth your while to grow vegetables is when you live alone. To feed a family you probably need to uproot the entire plant, if its just you then just pluck off what you need for a salad. Another planter used not just in winter countries but also by apartment dwellers is this one above that comes with UV light and heat source so your plants don't wilt.

To start a larger produce growing section in your home, most people turn to hydroponics that uses just water and nutrients. It is both cleaner and space saving as it can be stacked vertically. Once setup, you don't need to bother with watering or fertilizing until it's ready to harvest. 

Buy Hydroponics Kits in Singapore:

Eco City Hydroponics - From small home systems to outfitting larger greenhouses, this site has it all.
Singapore Hydroponics - Mostly a one-stop shop for a home setup although larger sets are listed it is currently unavailable.
Oh Farms - home kits are available at the farm itself, not online. The farm also sells hydroponically grown vegetables.
Water Circle - Sells the latest in home vegetable growing including hydroponics. Has that vertical growing setup featured on top.

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