Friday, August 14, 2020

New Anti-Bac Mask

Another free mask from the government and its anti-bac, also black in color to match most of my clothes.

Bulk order of Capri-Sun juice and soap that smells a bit like dog shampoo, now I do not know what to do with it.

Placed another order for more body wash or shower foam, this one foams up at the nozzle. Some people don't like it coz its less soap.

Repeat orders for can Coca-Cola and Jellybee cups of drinks and jelly. Trying out some of that new mala oden instant cup noodles!

Bulk order for youtiao or fried dough fritters. Hoping that's enough for everyone, we have it for breakfast, snack, even lunch/dinner.

Wall's ice-cream blocks, to be sliced and eaten with bread. I've never purchased this before in blocks so this is an at-home first. Also, sashimi mukbang in a box, details in my next blog post.

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