Friday, December 27, 2019

Boon Keng Chicken Pot

Foodpanda delivery of marinated side dishes from a Chinese eatery that sells those skewers of tripe & meat in a spicy or non-spicy soup base.

Drinks are Snow Pear and Honey Pomelo, both rarely seen on supermarket shelves. It tastes a little like bananas.

From over a dozen different types, I ordered 5 kinds of side dishes $6 to $8 each : mung bean noodles, shredded potatoes, kelp, preserved century egg and beef.

The preserved century egg is very good and tastes like mee rebus without the nuts. This was completely eaten up in an instant.

The mung bean noodles are non-spicy and mixed in a garlicky peanut sauce with cucumbers, carrots, black fungus. This can only be kept overnight at best coz the mung bean noodles turn hard & dry.

The shredded potatoes are very much like crunchy radish, in a spicy vinegar sauce. 

The beef slices hold well together and mixed with garlic and chilies, ready for a salad or sandwich.

Kelp that is a pricey delicacy most times but here it tastes a little swampy, after about a week or so it tastes better coz the garlic chili really overpowers everything else.

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