Friday, June 3, 2016

Time Zone Arcade

Time Zone is a big chain Games Arcade located inside shopping centers. I haven't stepped into one of these places since it banned students wearing school uniforms. Everything is electronic now so you have to buy a gaming card and tickets won get recorded inside the card.

Immensely popular themed video games, no tickets dispensed for these, but the kids really come here to play these simulators.

I spent most of my time at the carnival games, its practice for the real carnivals and you get to win tickets to exchange for stuff at the counter. 

I also spent quite a bit on toy catcher machines and won 1 Care Bear.

Each Timezone has its own unique games. City Square Mall has this group play Camel Racer. 

 Vivocity has Bumper Cars, Laser Maze and even bowling alleys. You can book birthday parties there too.

I tried out all the prize games like stacker and key master, this Color Match is a new one, only managed to win minor prizes of 10 tickets instead of the major prizes (gaming consoles).

I was disappointed to find out you can only win the huge soft toys on display through Big Sweetland Jackpot (pic below). Minimum 2 jackpots to receive a Jackpot passport and accumulate more wins that will eventually get you the huge toy. Just as well I have a year before it expires.

With my last few dollars, I tried out Monster Drop and won the jackpot on the first try!

I tried a few more times after that but only won like 10 tickets in total.

Here's Donald Duck Tsumtsum and Hopeful Heart Bear (exclusive). Almost won some gadgets, maybe next time I'll get lucky.

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