Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baccarat Ring

Is the Baccarat Cabochon collection actually mood rings?

Traditionally, mood rings change color according to your body temperature and hence, indicate your mood. I thought I bought the wrong colour when I wore my Baccarat ring (above) to work. Turns out it changes from blue to purple as the weather gets colder. Pretty cool huh. They should make it into a series of outdoor chairs that indicate the temperature.


  1. good to know I'm not losing it - i put mine on this morning and was quite sure it was purple, but now I'm at work and it is pale blue. it seems to do the opposite of yours.

  2. good to know I'm not losing it! I put mine on for the first time this morning and was quite sure it was purple, but now that I'm at work it's pale blue.


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