Friday, July 26, 2024

1 Month On


Time really passes fast, thought I would be out of hospital by now but it's not the case.

New flowers and new balloons.

Attracting sweet treats and small eats from all over Singapore from my family.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Changed Hospital & Ward


Changing to a different hospital for the specialisations not available where I was. More medical tests and procedures.

More surprise flowers from family and friends coz this hospital is not as accessible.

Hoping to go home soon 😄👍

Friday, July 12, 2024

Still Hospitalized


Current status: IV drips, blood tests, injections.

Switching to meal replacement drinks. It's tasty and convenient.

Lots of helpful gifts from my family and friends visiting. I like the aromatherapy eye masks.

Friday, July 5, 2024

In Hospital

Hospitalised due to health complications. Lots of scans and procedures to find out what's wrong.

Family and friends already dropped by with gifts.