Friday, January 26, 2024

Watsons club member

You need to be a Watsons club member to place your order online and receive all the promos. The offer was on shower gels and laundry detergent in the new pods, cannot wait to try these out.

More pain relief creams, heated and cooling, both feel the same after a while. Some toothbrushes (purchase with purchase). Enough supplies to last me another year.

New Kujis available and I was really trying to win a figurine. I guess an acrylic stand is almost the same thing.

These are bonus prize tickets that can be exchanged for a bigger item if I accumulate enough. I have some Sailor Moon ones from last time. Have to buy more Kujis!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Korea Candy

Souvenir candy from Korea for me to try 😊👏.

Chocolate balls with a crunchy cereal center. I really like the crunchiness.

Then there are these biscuits with a chewy mochi center. I really like the grapefruit earl grey cookie over the chocolate cookie.

Wafers with cream centers. Surprised by how light and airy this is.

 Gummies in fruit flavors and also fruit shapes, but its all colorless.

This is exactly as it says, little bites of dense chocolate-y brownies.

Cubes of mango jelly (very mild), artisanal boiled candy (very fruity flavors), maltose lollipops (traditional taste).

Friday, January 12, 2024

New Years 1.1 Sale

The sales are all on alcohol and I have never bought this much liquor before. Its all new stuff to try. There's a popular gin brand, fruit liqueurs, blended rum, sake. That about covers everything.

Wines! Whites Chardonnay, Reds Cabernet Sauvignon, dessert wines Moscato and one that's a blend of different red wines.

Craft beer and foreign import beer. Everything arrived chilled and ready to drink, unfortunately I won't be drinking any of these anytime soon.

More canned abalone, hoping these tastes good. Only top shelf abalone tastes good, everything else needs lots of chili sauce.

Some stuff I've tried before and don't mind having again, Korean fruit soju and Baileys Irish cream liqueur.

Friday, January 5, 2024

New Years Eve / New Years Day

From the supermarket deli section are ribs and salad. I always find the ribs too dry and hard as compared to ordering it in a restaurant. No preference on salad mix.

Gin & tonic, sparkling tonic water in glass bottles are soo festive and I happened to have a miniature bottle of gin around.

Appetizer is cheesy garlic bread, I was looking for good bread. Dessert is pear sorbet with a hint of cucumber and elderflower, really light on the palate.

Received a box of M&S chocolate biscuits this Christmas, I have received this box set before and it's still good with plenty of chocolate.

Also received a T2 tea gift set, I love blended teas. There's tummy tea, sleepy tea & lemongrass ginger. All can be taken without sugar or milk, by itself.