I helped my sis decorate this basket with stuff bought from Daiso, including floral foam in the center. It's meant to hold these rainbow cake pops, a really great idea especially when cardboard cake pop holders are not available in a store near us.
3D doll birthday cake for Sophie this year. You have to buy the Barbie doll in advance to pass to the baker for several reasons. You can ensure its authentic Barbie coz the doll makes another gift for the birthday girl and this particular doll has the leggings and bodysuit already on so it's not naked in the cake.
Staying with my sis ain't so bad after all, it's easier to buy food for large groups of people and I can always find someone to go out for lunch with.
Anyways, I read in the newspaper that there is a new 24hr supermarket near my place and went to take a look. You can't see it from the main road, it's right inside the new estate. Run by Giant, this supermarket has loads of China food stuffs.